07 Sep September: Things I’m Loving Right Now
Happy September! Yay! Autumn is on its way, September 22—my favorite time and weather of the year. Surprisingly, we’ve had a few rainy days lately that have cooled things off quite a bit here in Big D. Makes for a lovely morning walk!
Random Stuff
Inspired by questions I get asked, and people I read and listen to, I’m kicking off the top of the month with a little more light-hearted email. While I often get asked questions about spiritual stuff, I also get asked some random questions about more personal things—like what I’ve been learning lately; what changes I’ve made; what skin care I use (mostly drugstore stuff); can I recommend a good movie or podcast (yes); questions about health and nutrition (because it’s my avocation). So, I thought I’d share some things I’m really loving right now—a little of this and a little of that—the everyday kinds of things girlfriends share with each other. And you are that!
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert. I’m not a social media influencer. And I am not being compensated in any way for mentioning or using any of the products or services below.
What’s for dinner?
I am really into bowl dinners these days—ya know, dinner in a bowl. Right. Well, I’ve found some really great ones on my fave IG food page @Mediterranean.Diet.Plan. It’s not so much a diet-to-lose-weight as it is a lifestyle of good, healthy eating with a bazillion great recipes contributed by different IG “chefs” (I guess that’s what you call them). One recipe I’m loving a lot—and so is John—is Honey Lime Chicken Over Rice. It’s really deeelish, and not complicated! It calls for boneless chicken thighs (I’ve been wondering why chicken thighs are all the rage), marinated in a yummy sauce that I could literally drink, it’s so good! Tip: make a double batch of the marinade/sauce and save half of it to drizzle over the top of the chicken and rice before you serve. You’re welcome!
What are you watching?
We rarely go out to the movies anymore—because the best seats are always in our living room. But we did venture out last week, with our son, Luke, to see REAGAN with Dennis Quaid in the biopic of one of the finest Presidents in American history. The first time I was able to vote for President of the U.S.A., it was for Ronald Reagan. Talk about a unifier; he captured the heart of the country in a landslide win in his second run. Reagan was not only a great political leader and brilliant communicator, but he was also a good and decent human being. Ignore the critics and check it out. It got a 98% audience approval.😊
Another fave we watched recently is The Taste of Things (Netflix). The 2023 French subtitled film did not disappoint either of us. Based on the novel, “The Passionate Epicure” by Marcel Rouff, it stars Juliette Binoche (looove her) and Benoit Magimel. It’s lovely! And you will want to take up cooking if you haven’t already.
Me and my pens!
I don’t know if it’s a writer thing, or a Bible teacher thing… but I love me some pens. Not just any pens. I’m picky. I have certain favorite pens for certain types of paper, and for writing in my Bible. But my very favorite pen is my fountain pen that I use only in my journal pages (and occasionally to write a note). Kakuno Pilot Fountain Pen, Fine Print Nib, with clear barrel, and blue/black ink cartridges. Gotta be blue/black ink. It’s dreamy!
Follow the Truth!
As picky as I am about pens, I’m way pickier about who I listen to and follow—on any given subject. So, here’s my shout out rec for a great Biblical equipping podcast: The Alisa Childers Podcast. Former CCM recording artist, Alisa is a well-studied communicator of Biblical truth and the foundations of our faith. She is excellent at helping you to understand the core beliefs of historical Christianity, and articulate your faith with clarity, kindness and truth. Check out her website alisachilders.com.
A big-little change I’ve made lately:
John and I started taking a 10-minute walk after dinner. Just 10 minutes, you ask. Yes, just 10 minutes. I’d been listening to an interview with a doctor on a health podcast discuss how a 10-minute walk or light physical activity after a meal can reduce blood glucose levels by 30-35%. Wow! Neither John nor I have a blood glucose issue, but even so, the health benefits of a little moving around after a meal are incredible. When I’m at the office, I walk around the building or climb the stairs after I eat. Just getting your body moving—even just a little bit— can make a big difference! AND it’s been a sweet time to just take a slow walk with my man as the sun sets.
One More Thing
I’m still learning that changing my mind on something is perfectly alright. For almost always I’ve felt guilty in changing my mind on something—whether it’s what I ordered for dinner, or an appointment I made, or date I agreed to. It’s not that I have a habit of waffling on things. It’s just that sometimes I decide about something and then realize that’s not what I really want, or can do, and I want to change my mind; but I don’t, because I think it will be a bigger hassle or inconvenience for others than for me. Do you ever do that?
Lesson learned: I’m a grown woman, and changing my mind is allowed.
I’d love to hear from you—what are the things you’re loving right now, learning right now, changing right now?
Until next week— don’t forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King! And let’s live our beautiful, ordinary lives like women who believe it!
I love you!
xo – P❤️