100 Days with Jesus


There’s never been a more critical time to pick up the Bible and read it. Recently, Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research conducted The 2020 State of Theology survey, the results of which are saddening to say the least. Two items of great concern are 1) “While unsurprisingly the majority of the U.S. population rejects the deity of Christ, now almost a third of American evangelicals agree that Jesus was merely a great teacher;” and the most concerning, 2) the increasing rejection of the literal truth of God’s Word, the Bible”.

God wrote a book— one book, and we call it the Bible; and for that reason alone I believe with all my heart that the Bible is the most important book a person could ever read in their life. And I also firmly believe that you can actually love reading the Bible and enjoy the discovery of intimately knowing this amazing God who created you! I know it’s possible because that’s exactly what happened for me! Long before I became a teacher of God’s Word I fell in love with God’s Word and with His Son, Jesus, in the pages of Scripture. And that’s exactly what I hope and pray for you!

So, come along with me this fall and spend 100 Days with Jesus reading through the four Gospel accounts of his life. The point of this plan is to help you cultivate regular daily Bible reading, to become a lover of God’s Word, and a passionate observer of who God is, was, and always will be. Click here to download the plan!

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: A good Bible to use at home (bonus if it’s a study bible) – be sure it’s a version that is easy for you to understand! Don’t make it harder than it needs to be. You can also use a Bible app on your phone, and then grab a notebook or journal and your favorite writing instrument.

RESOURCES: Remember, the goal is to read your Bible every day—and I want to help you do that. Click on the bolded links to download the 100 Days with Jesus plan as well as “How to Study Your Bible (Bookmark)” – a quick guide to tuck inside your Bible with questions to ask as you read through the Scriptures. And if you’re ready to dig a little deeper, download the “Complete Guide to Bible Study” – it’s a multi-page printout with tips to help you make the most of your time in God’s Word.

If you’re already in the habit of daily Bible reading, that’s fabulous! Here are a few options to help you go a step further:

OPTION 1: Gather weekly (virtually, too!) with a friend or in a small group to discuss what you’ve read and discovered.

OPTION 2: Read more each day! Another great resource is “The Bible Recap with Tara Leigh Cobble.” This daily reading plan (+ daily podcast) begins on October 1st and will take you through the entire New Testament by the end of the year. Start here: www.thebiblerecap.com/start

I’m passionate about this, y’all, and so committed to helping you love God’s Word and be able to read and enjoy it for yourself. So, while I won’t be officially teaching this as a study, I will connect with you via social media and the Life on Life podcast to encourage you as you read through the Gospels over the next 100 days, following Jesus, getting to know him better and love him more!

I love y’all dearly, and don’t you forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King!

xo – P♥️