30 Apr 2021 is part of God’s plan
I bet you’re thinking, “Is she for real? 2021? Part of God’s plan?” Yes. And if you trust in the sovereignty of God then you know that 2021 and 2020, and every other year prior has all figured into God’s Master Plan. Listen, I know it can be frightening. I know it can be very disturbing to watch the news and think, “Oh my goodness, everything is collapsing around us!” But, there’s a lot of good God-work going on, too. There’s a lot that God is doing that doesn’t make the headlines, so we’ve got to keep our eyes open and watch for him.⠀
Remember that God specifically assigned you and me for here and now– he planted us here in this particular time and place and purposed us to do Kingdom work. So, we’ve got to get after it! God’s plan didn’t change just because the pandemic fell on us and wreaked havoc on our world. God’s plan didn’t change because on top of a pandemic, there were racial and political battles, and there were riots and conspiracy theories and families being torn apart in the throes of controversies.⠀
Just because the calendar changed to 2021 and your plans may have been changed, doesn’t mean that God’s plan has changed. The Bible tells us that we are to persevere in tribulation. That word “tribulation” means big troubles as well as “general difficulties” – the day-to-day trials that Christians experience and have experienced throughout history. When those hard times do come, we as Christians are to persevere as Spirit-empowered people of God’s kingdom.⠀
So, hang in there. God’s plan is to give you purpose and perspective in the midst of your suffering. The Holy Spirit will enable you to persevere, to endure. No matter what kind of suffering or what kind of difficulty you’re in– even though the circumstances have changed, it doesn’t mean that God’s plans have changed. You’re still here, and I’m still here, because God has a plan and purpose for us. Let’s live it, together!⠀
I love y’all!⠀
xo – P♥️⠀