06 May 5 Things to Remember
The Truth of God’s Word builds strong, firm spiritual muscle. So, if we’re going to get in good, mature, strong, spiritual shape, we’re going to have to do some heavy lifting. Here are 5 things to regularly exercise to help you strengthen your faith.⠀
Part of this list was inspired by Chuck Swindoll. He’s a marvelous teacher, preacher, and has written a number of books that have marked me deeply. His teaching is solid and sound.⠀
Chuck came up with this list that will help us grow strong in our faith and strong in the truth of God’s word, and then I added to it.⠀
1. Hear the Bible taught.⠀
2. Read the Bible for yourself.⠀
3. Study the Bible with pen in hand to take notes.⠀
4. Memorize and meditate on God’s word.⠀
5. Get discipled!⠀
Can you spot what I added? That’s right! Find an older woman out there to disciple you– not necessarily chronologically older, but someone more mature in her faith who loves God, loves and follows Jesus, and loves God’s word and knows how it works in everyday life.⠀
Friends, that is precisely what we need in our life. That’s what’s missing. If you want to get strong in the truth of God’s word and firm in your faith, find someone to do life-on-life with discipleship with you… to disciple you in Truth—not opinion, but in God’s Truth.⠀
We need God’s word y’all. So, keep at it. Persevere and say this with me one more time, “The stronger I am in God’s Truth, the firmer I’ll stand in faith… trusting him, believing him, living for him and falling in love with him over and over and over again.”⠀
I love y’all!⠀
xo – P♥️⠀