06 Apr Breathing Room – Day 19
Psalm 145:19 (NLT)
He grants the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cries for help and rescues them.
What do you think this verse means? Maybe a better question is, what do you hope it means?
Perhaps you’ve heard this phrase long quoted at evangelistic crusades: “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life!” Um…define “wonderful.”
If we’re being honest we’ve probably hoped we’d find the one bible verse that says, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for you life that does not include things that hurt you or break your heart, make you afraid, or cause you any suffering, discomfort or disappointment of any kind whatsoever, in any way…or will kill you. Ever.” You won’t find it, because it’s just not biblically true.
But here’s what is true if you are in Christ: “God loves you.” Completely. A fact that will never change. Ever. To that I’ll add: “…and God is good, always. He knows things you don’t know; and He has an unimaginable plan for your life that includes things you won’t understand, and that may break your heart and kill your body- but will never permanently destroy your soul, because he has rescued you from eternal death in hell so that you can live a happily-forever-after eternal life with him. Always.”
With that perspective, look at v.19 again:
HE (God)
GRANTS THE DESIRES (the things that are in alignment with God’s will)
OF THOSE WHO FEAR HIM (not *scared* of God, but those who understand how much God hates sin, and who have such a reverence for Him that profoundly impacts the way they live their life);
HE HEARS THEIR CRIES FOR HELP (he always hears and always responds to every cry for help; not always with the answer we are hoping for, but always with his best)
AND RESCUES (saves, preserves, defends, delivers, and gives victory to)
THEM (those who place faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ as their Savior, Redeemer and Lord).
So, when life gets scary and you start to doubt, remember these 4 things:
1. God loves you.
2. God is good all the time.
3. God knows things you don’t know.
4. God has rescued you through Jesus Christ from what could permanently destroy you.
“That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good” (Romans8:28, MSG).
I love y’all!
xo P♥️
For more about The Breathing Room, click here to listen to Season 1, Episode 4 of the #LifeOnLife podcast.