25 Mar Breathing Room – Day 7
Psalm 145:7 (NLT)
Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;
they will sing with joy about your righteousness.
Hey friends! We are at DAY 7 of our 21-days in the Breathing Room… and how are you feeling today? What’s going on in your head and in your heart? And who’s calling the shots in your your life today?
I love reading the Psalms because they are always so appropriate for my “right now.” And the Psalms of David are especially so honest, so vulnerable…and so very telling. David was a man of not too few troubles on every level. But he learned quickly that there was only one consistently dependable place to take his troubles to: The Lord. He knew where to run when trouble came and who he could spill it all out to.
David also knew the best way to recalibrate and to get his perspective back in line with Truth: P R A I S E. Continually we hear David talking to himself, telling himself to Praise the Lord, bless the Lord, exalt the Lord, lift up the name of the Lord, and sing praises to the Lord.
Praise was David’s habit.
Just like prayer, praise changes things. Praise changes us! If prayer is a 2-way conversation; praise is a monologue- focused solely on the worship of God for Who he is: for the attributes of his character; for his greatness in all he‘s created; for his goodness in all that he’s provided; for his unfailing love that never lets go; for his mercy, grace and faithfulness that are new every single morning; for his sovereignty, his Almightiness, power and strength that is beyond compare!
So, today—lift your heart in praise:
1. Tell the story of his goodness to you to one person.
2. Put on some praise and worship music or hymns that focuses on God alone (not on you).
3. Sing along with these songs of praise throughout the day.
C’mon! You can do it!
I’m proud of y’all and don’t forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King!
I love y’all!
xo P♥️
For more about The Breathing Room, click here to listen to Season 1, Episode 4 of the #LifeOnLife podcast.