CHECK IN for “8 Choices” Spring-Summer Bible Study!

It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Big D and I am super excited to kick off our Spring-Summer Bible study, “8 Choices That Can Change a Woman’s Life” with you all!  We’ve heard from so many of you who are really excited about doing this new-and-different kind of study, and I must tell you that your enthusiastic response to the invite has greatly relieved my neurosis that everyone would think I was nuts (a fact some of you would say you’ve been wall aware of for years) for wanting to do something new like this.  OK, just so you know, it was not completely my original idea, but I thought that since  I just love being in touch with you all, it would be a great way to STAY in touch and in the Word together during out summer break!  In fact, I ran into THREE of y’all today at Starbuck’s (the mother ship) who were all squeally excited about it!!  Yay!

OK, let’s get started with an official blogging Bible Babes CHECK-IN from all of you all over the place!  We’ll start with a little ice-breaker to get to know one another.  In our “8 Choices” study, Jill Briscoe is going to help us learn to wisely navigate 8 different, but commonly encountered, life-issues and become aware of the potential “traps” that lurk within them.    We’ll see that it all comes down to learning how to choose wisely.  So… as we get rolling here let’s start by affirming ourselves in the wise choices we’ve already made!

Here’s how you’ll check in on the blog:

– At the end of this post you’ll see a link that shows the number of comments that have been made so far (for example, “2 comments”).  Just click on that link and it will take you to the “comment” page.

– Fill in the “required” fields (name and email address)

1) In the “comment” box record the following:

2) Your name (first name only is fine)

3) Location: city & state

4) Who’s in your group, if you have one (first names only)


ALSO — If you haven’t already done so, please don’t forget to subscribe to the blog on the top of the right hand column where you see “Subscribe”.  By subscribing you’ll receive email notification each time the blog is updated.  

Further down the menu on the right-side of the blog, you’ll see “Bible Studies” and “8 Choices”; you can click there to get all the posts pertaining to the Bible study.

Got it?  Great!  Let’s get going… it’s time to check-in for the “8 Choices That Can Change a Woman’s Life” online Bible study!!!!!

xo – Punky