28 Feb Devotion vs. Distraction: A Social Media Fast for Lent
On the latest episode of the podcast, I talked about how the enemy does not want you to have a devoted love with Jesus. Satan doesn’t want you to have that intimacy, that closeness. He certainly does not want Jesus to be the main thing: our number one love.
What does Satan do? He creates a world full of distractions. These distractions aren’t always bad in and of themselves, but when we devote our eyes, time, and attention to them, and they become the main thing… our distraction gains and our devotion wanes.
Let’s look one easy example: social media. Now, think back over your day and tally up how much time you spent on your phone looking at social media. Think about how much devotion (time and attention) you gave to those distractions (social media).
I don’t think I’m telling you anything you don’t already know – we all know social media can be a HUGE distraction. Instead of using that time to spend with Jesus, with those Jesus has given us, or doing the things he has given us to do… we scroll and we scroll and we scroll. And many of us can’t even remember what we looked at once we finally put our phone down. Sound familiar? (I’m looking in the mirror, too.)
So, what do we do? The first step in rekindling our love and our devotion with Jesus is devoting our mind and our time to Jesus. And there’s no better time than today– especially as we approach this season of Lent. In case you are unfamiliar with Lent, it is period of 40 days beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending with Easter Sunday. During this time, followers of Jesus Christ choose to set aside time to reflect and draw near to him leading up to Resurrection Day.
Here’s my challenge to you: Would you be willing to do a 40-day fast from social media? We’ll do this together with the intent of getting back to having devoted time and a deeper intimacy with Jesus.
I’ve got four options for you:
1. Fast from social media from sundown to sunrise. Don’t look at social media from dinner until breakfast.
2. Take a social media Sabbath once a week. Choose the day and for a full 24-hours, don’t look at social media.
3. Try a 7-day fast. For one full week, delete the social media apps from your phone. (Don’t worry– you won’t lose your data.)
4. Fully fast from all social media for the entire 40 days. Delete the social media apps from your phone.
A few years ago, I fasted a full 40 days from social media, and it was life-giving to me. It was freeing in so many ways. I felt untethered! I could hear God better. I even enjoyed a deeper relationship with my husband.
Remember, the whole point of this fast is to enjoy the presence of the Lord. It’s not to condemn social media. So, pray about it. Give it to the Lord and just ask him, “Is this something you want me to do? Do you want me to get off social media for 40 days? And if not, what do you want me to do to draw closer to you?”
Don’t let this fast freak you out! I promise that if you start this, you’re going to see results. You’re going to feel results. You’re going to feel the difference so quickly that you will really want to stick to it. And I hope that you do!
So, let me hear from you! I’d love, love, love to hear how you’re benefiting from it, how it’s impacting you. Share the idea with a friend– maybe get one of your friends to do this with you together.
I love y’all!
P.S. This year, the Life on Life ministry team will continue to post content related to the podcast on Instagram and Facebook. I am personally fasting from social media, but I will login on the weekdays (Monday – Friday) for 15 minutes each day to respond to comments and messages. I’ve chosen not to scroll, only to respond. I will be praying for you– whatever you choose¬– as we draw near to God, together!