04 Nov Election Day Prayer Focus
I’m sending you some personal prayers from my journal yesterday—things the Holy Spirit put on my own heart, that I shared with a group of friends last night as we prayed for the election today, our nation, and our own hearts and lives in light of our Holy and Almighty God. I hope it encourages you and helps you keep the right focus today, and in days to come. Most all of what I’ve written are Scriptures prayed out. Please pray them as your own. 🩷
“Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1)
Father Almighty— Holy God, Awesome Ruler, Loving Savior-
We come to you in the glorious and matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ—whose name stands an eternity above every other name in the world. We do not presume to come to you, and into Your presence without acknowledging that You are God and there is no other; You are Lord of all, and Your rule and reign is from everlasting to everlasting. No one, no power on earth or above can dethrone You, or thwart Your plans, or destroy Your Truth—because Your reign is everlasting; Your kingdom has no end.
We don’t dare to speak to You, except that You have come to us…You have come for us, and come near to us— your children— those who call upon Your name by faith in Jesus Christ. And because you eagerly bend down to listen and respond to our prayers according to Your will, we will pray as long as we have breath!
Gracious and merciful God, we acknowledge and confess our sin to you— personally, and as Your church, and people of this nation.
You, Lord, have written the plans and purposes for us and for our nation, America—a nation that has grieved You in so many ways—by turning against You and Your will, to seek our own selfish and rebellious ways of pleasure, comfort and convenience.
- We’ve not loved you with our whole heart; we’ve not loved our neighbor as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
Lord please forgive us, and have mercy on us, Your church.
We have failed You. We have forgotten You, Lord. We have broken Your heart.
- We have turned our heads and closed our mouths to immorality, idolatry, injustice, and the hatred of others—our enemies— who have, like us, been created in the image of God.
- We’ve been ashamed, and have shrunk back from sharing the Gospel—Your Gospel— that has the power of life and salvation for all people.
- We have forgotten that we are not our own, that our lives are not our own, but were purchased by You in Your love, at the very high price of the blood of our Savior Jesus.
- We have forgotten that You chose us and scripted our lives…and appointed us to be alive on this planet at this specific, particular time in history, and in these places where we live—for Your purposes.
We have forgotten that this world is not our Home. Instead, we have grown far too comfortable and at home in our time on earth; absorbing and blending into the world around us, when You’ve called us to stand out as “children of the Light” in a dark and depraved world…bringing the Hope of Jesus Christ to a lost and perishing planet.
- Forgive us for loving the world and the things of this world— longing for what it offers, more than we long for the glory of the Truth of Christ.
- Forgive us for loving pleasures and trinkets, and the things that moth and rust destroy, more than we have loved and longed for the true treasure of heaven.
- Forgive us for being politically strong, but spiritually soft.
- Forgive us, for we have listened to and loved the words and the voices of politicians and political commentators more than we have loved Your Word and longed to hear Your voice.
- Forgive us for being quick to speak and mouth off, but slow to listen, watch, and pray.
- Forgive us for our selfishness and pride, our complaining and complacency.
- Forgive us for the misuse of Your gifts to us in this world.
- Forgive us for the bloodshed of hundreds of millions of innocent unborn lives.
Lord have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on our nation. Forgive us our sin of forgetting You; for forgetting how much we need You, and the lost world we live in desperately needs you.
And now with clean hands and a right heart and spirit, and a right estimation of ourselves, we humbly ask Your grace and mercy to our nation as we elect a new president, and other officials to rule and lead our country. Remembering always—
Our Savior lives. Our King is alive!
There is no certain Hope but You, Lord God.
There is no True Savior but You.
There is no Wise King but You.
There is no God like You who does what You do on behalf of those You love so much.
Father, You are far better to us than You have to be. It’s only by Your grace and mercy we humbly ask You to—
- Turn our country back to You.
- Raise up godly leaders to lead in righteousness and Truth.
- Keep a spirit of humility on us, that we may steward our thoughts, words, and actions in ways that honor You.
- Make us holy, and wholly Yours, through and through.
- Make us fit for Your kingdom and give us a strong spirit filled with Your joy.
- Cause us to walk in Your Truth, to lead in Your Truth, and to speak Your Truth.
- Cause us to be more thrilled with Your sovereignty than we are angry and frustrated at the culture around us.
We do not know what this election holds—but we know You, the eternal Rock, the One who was, and is, and is to come… who never changes, who’s battle has already been won in the overwhelming victory of Christ.
In Jesus’s beautiful name we pray. Amen.
When worry and fear threaten our hearts…
The Holy Spirit whispered this verse to my heart yesterday morning, and then showed it to me 4 more times throughout the day:
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, because in the LORD, the LORD himself, is an everlasting rock!Isaiah 26:3-4
Lord, help us to remember that You are the only one who can do anything about everything that concerns us.
Friends—we know some of what’s at stake in this election—and it is critical to our future and the future generations. But it all pales in comparison to the facts of what are NOT at stake:
- God! God is not at stake!
God’s Truth — His Word, is not at stake!
God’s Kingdom is not at stake!
The fulfillment of God’s plans are not at stake!
God’s sovereignty—His rule and reign over all, is not at stake!
In 2 Chronicles 20, when God’s people Israel were being threatened by the mobs of enemy nations surrounding them, Jehoshaphat prayed to the Lord: O our God, will you not execute judgement on them? For were are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You! (2 Chronicles 20:12). Then, one of the Levite priests spoke and said, Thus says the LORD to you, “Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s” (v.15).
Let’s not forget this Truth: The battle is not ours, but God’s.
Ephesians 5:15 reminds us to be careful how we live our lives; not as unwise/foolish, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. It begs the question:
Lord, what would you have us do with what we’ve been given…our salvation in Christ, this life you’ve given us to live, on this planet, in this place in which you’ve planted us and purposed us? How should we make the most of now?
Based on the Scripture, I believe He is calling us to:
- Be ready. Live ready.
- Live your beautiful, ordinary life for HIM!
- Get firm in your faith, and stand firm and unwavering in your faith.
- Be unashamed of the Gospel— for it is the power of God for salvation for all.
- Point people to true Hope—the Hope of Jesus Christ.
- Make disciples of Jesus Christ—helping people to know Jesus, love Jesus, and follow Jesus, until he returns.
Finally—Fix your mind and the eyes of your heart on Jesus— the Hope of the world.
No matter who wins the election— God has already won! Period.
But the “battle” is not over— and Satan has not given up yet. He continues his wicked work in this world, and will until he’s one day destroyed. So, no matter who wins, we have bigger battles and rougher times ahead of us. But we don’t lose hope!! We know how the story ends (see Revelation 19) with Christ’s ultimate victory!
In the meantime, it is an exceptional time to be alive. Just think— God picked us out to be right here, right now. It was not a random luck of the draw, but a well thought out and purposefully planned event— that YOU would be alive right now! So, armor up… we’re in this fight of faith together! God is counting on you! Live your life for Jesus… for him and him alone.
May the favor of the Lord and His steadfast love be upon you, and a thousand generations, to your children, and their children. And may He repay to their face those who hate Him, by destroying them. Deuteronomy 7:9-10
Until next week— don’t forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King! And let’s live our beautiful, ordinary lives like women who believe it!
I love you!
xo – P❤️