Get caught in the act

I love Hebrews 11:6 that says, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must BELIEVE that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him” (emphasis mine).

Looking at the original Greek, the word “Believe” is this passage is structured in a way that means faith, trust and belief that show action or activity in your life. This is the kind of active faith that, in any given moment, you could actually be caught in the act of believing God.

So right now, I want you to think about how you are living your life. At this moment, would you be caught in the act of believing God in every area of your life?

Or in some areas of your life?

Would you be caught believing his ways?

Or would you be caught in the act of believing Satan’s lies?

Remember, Satan is crafty. He’s subtle. Not all of his lies will look evil. They don’t come dressed in a red jumpsuit with a pitchfork. They don’t seem deceptive. The culture advertises those lies and glamorizes those lies and unless we grow and mature in our faith, deepening our trust in God through time spent with him in his word, we will continue to struggle in the same areas over and over again.

Lies that go against God are not good for us. Spend time with God today. Read and study his word. Know the true Truth that he’s given you so you can stop the lie in its tracks and instead, be caught in the act of believing God.

I love y’all!
xo – P♥️

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