16 Jun God is Good… All the time!
Good morning sweet friends ~
God is calling me to go a little deeper with Him! Once the paint dried on the pathology Dr. Grant found some “sneaky” cells in the margin area (not surprising for this type of bug!). So, I’ll need to have another surgery to remove more tissue and as a result it seems that a mastectomy with reconstruction would be best for me. This was always an option I could have chosen from the very beginning, but we decided on the simplest procedure first. One of the benefits of a mastectomy is that I will avoid 6 1/2 weeks of radiation! The other is that I get a brand new…”Breastplate of Righteousness!”
We must not lose our sense of humor girls; it’s just not worth it!
This is the day the LORD has made just for us, so let’s rejoice, be glad and LAUGH our way through it!! Not sure when I’ll have surgery, but I will keep you posted.
I love you – P