14 Jan God Knows What You Don’t Know
I’ve been there. God has said “no” to me, plenty of times, and looking back– every single time it was always a good thing that he did. Most of the time when I would ask God for things, I would ask him for something that either was not a good thing, or– would not have been a good thing for me in the long run. And God would say no, because he wasn’t going to give me over to something that wasn’t his best. Even though it broke my heart in some ways (because I’d get dumped or not promoted or whatever) I came to realize that God’s “no” was not his rejection of me– it was his protection over me.
You may have heard that before: God’s “no” is not rejection– It’s always his protection. But, at that time in my life, I didn’t understand his sovereignty (his know-it-all-ness, if you will). I didn’t understand that he sees the big picture (and it’s a much bigger picture) and God is simply not going to give me what’s bad for me.
God knows what I don’t know, and God knows what you don’t know. We read in Isaiah 55 that his ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts. Not only does God outthink us, but he also out sees us. He can see way down the road ahead. He knows what’s coming. He knows where we are going. He’s seen the end from the beginning, from where we are now. You might be temporarily disappointed in the answer, but you won’t be disappointed in him. The more you get to know him, love him, and trust him, the more you’ll find that he only gives the best answers, and the best gifts.
I love y’all!
xo – P♥️
Read: Isaiah 55:8-9 & Matthew 7: 9-11