13 Jan Gone
There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, “Enough” – the grave, the barren womb, land that is not satisfied with water, and fire that never says, “Enough!”
Proverbs 30:15-16
Life is happening outside of our own personal world. If you’ve been keeping up with the news (and I hope you do) then you know that Los Angeles, California has been under siege for 6 days by out-of-control fires that have devoured more than 37,000 acres and claimed the lives of at least 24 people. And it’s not over, yet.
There really are no words to describe the emotional and physical devastation. The scorched earth looks otherworldly; what was a beautiful community on Tuesday morning, now resembles the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust. The pictures, the stories… are horrible, heartbreaking and heroic.
The burning of L.A.—like the catastrophic flooding of North Carolina from hurricane Helene—is happening on our watch. Please pay attention, and pray.
I lived in Los Angeles for a while in the late 90’s. I have many friends there, and my niece who lives in Hollywood. John and I have been watching closely and praying fervently for this situation. The people of L.A. desperately need the prayers of those of us who call upon the name of the Lord God: the One who commands the winds and the sea; the only One who can do anything about this catastrophic event—and everything that concerns us.
O, Lord, bring the rain. O, Lord, blow out these fires, and speak to the Santa Anna winds, “Be still!”
For thousands in LA, what they knew of their daily life prior to Tuesday is gone. More than 12,000 homes are gone. Schools, gone. Churches, gone. Businesses, landmarks…all gone. Gone, ruined, destroyed; nothing left—except what people were able to grab quickly as they ran for their lives to escape the fire. Some were prepared, with necessary items pre-packed in a “Go Bag” in the event of an emergency. Some were not, and hurriedly gathered whatever they could think of in the midst of the smoke and fire, and chaos; mostly sentimental things, some valuables—paintings, jewelry, etc.—but forgetting some essential things. Certainly, with fire breathing down your back it must have been hard to think at all, let alone think rationally.
Something to Think About
What would you do? What would you grab to take with you if you had to get out of your home immediately— with the possibility of never coming back?
John and I talked about this in a practical sense of having a Go Bag already packed and ready with essentials in the event of an emergency evacuation: things like prescription drugs, extra pair of glasses/contact lenses, some cash, copy of legal/financial docs, passports, phone charger; a change of clothes, a jacket; extra set of car/house keys; copy of a few family photos; gun/ammo; a Bible. (I’m sure I’m forgetting something). All in one bag, in one place to grab quickly and go if the time came.
What would you pack in your Go Bag? Maybe the things that would remind you most of home if your home was no longer?
The beautiful thing about the gift of saving grace in Jesus Christ is that our true Home is with him. So, if you’ve got Christ, you’ve got everything you need. In fact, you are the Go Bag. He’s saved you, and then he filled you with his Spirit. And packed full of the Spirit of Christ in you, you’re fireproof… ready to go.
I can tell you personally that in a time of crisis, the material things you own and love will do you no good. Most of the things we’ve collected in our homes, things we’ve spent money on… our trinkets, toys, furnishings, clothes, and material treasures…are flammable and will become fuel for any hungry fire.
In 1987 my grandparent’s home caught fire. My grandmother was trying to escape through a window when someone walking by saw her and pulled her to safety. My grandfather never made it out; he was overcome by the smoke. Their little apartment, full of every worldly possession they owned, was gone. Only a few pieces of furniture—singed and charred—were able to be retrieved. The apartment was rebuilt, and my grandmother eventually returned—without her husband, without her few worldly possessions, but full of faith.
Faith in Christ is the only true flameproof, fireproof thing one can possess. My grandmother’s faith in Jesus was the only thing she truly needed for life—and she knew it. She didn’t put a lot of stock into clothes, or hair, or jewelry and such; those things weren’t important to her. But her faith was. She valued only Jesus— and that her granddaughter would love and depend on him as she had. As for my grandfather… my sweetest memory in my young adult years was of him calling me one afternoon just to check on me and tell me that he was praying for me. He never bought me expensive things or took me on fancy trips. But he’d by me a hot fudge Sunday at Goff’s and let me work the cash register at his hardware store…prayed for me, and loved me with the love of Jesus. His faith is what I remember most.
My friend, you can lose everything in this life—except your flameproof, fireproof, imperishable faith in Christ.
Beauty From Ashes
I was in tears watching a video of an older woman, in a red and white striped sweater, a cane in her right hand, standing strong and resolute in front of her demolished family home in the area of the L.A. fires. As her daughter recorded her she declared, full of faith, “I’m standing here in the front of my house of over 40 some years. But thank God, I’m here. I will rebuild better than ever. I thank the Lord I am here… to be able to rebuild. God is good. All the time. I thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus.” Her daughter replied, “Lord, it hurts, but I know you got a plan… yes you do.”
Faith. That’s what she took when she fled from her home. Faith. That’s the only thing that won’t perish; the only thing fire cannot destroy. When fire hits faith, faith says, “Enough! You cannot take from me what God Almighty has given to me, and put into me, in Christ Jesus!”
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2
Life does hurt. God knows, and God does have a plan. He excels at bringing beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3).
One More Thing
What would you pack in your Go Bag? If you’ve got Christ, you’ve got everything you need. As I said, you are the Go Bag. He’s saved you, and you’re ready to go. But for those who don’t have eternal life through the saving grace of Christ Jesus—not only are their possessions flammable, but also their very lives. God wants none to perish—and He’s left you and me here to point people to His Son and help them place their faith in Jesus: the only One who can save them for eternity.
Lots of people have been rescued from the fires in L.A., but they still need rescuing from the fire of forever. Pray. Pray God would work in these horrific circumstances to bring many to know their true Rescuer in Jesus Christ. Pray that those who do know him, and have also suffered loss in these fires, would be beautiful, faith-filled witnesses of hope— helping others know the One who is himself our Hope.
Only one life,’ twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.
― C.T. Studd
Until next week— don’t forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King! And let’s live our beautiful, ordinary lives like women who believe it!
Happy New Year!
I love you!
xo – P❤️