10 Mar If You Want to Hear God
If you want to hear from God you simply must read the book God wrote: the Bible. The scriptures are the very Word of God and throughout its pages God speaks. So, if you want to hear God, you need a bible and you need to read it.
Not a book about God.
Not a devotional speaking for God.
Not a social media post about God.
Not an inspirational blog about God.
Not a podcast about God.
While these things can be very good resources and worthy messages that can inspire our faith— nevertheless, they are not God’s Word.
While these resources may even contain some verses of Scripture— nevertheless, they are not a substitute for reading the Bible.
Important to note that most devotionals and such are mostly written by people who have a deep, abiding love for God and have enjoyed an intimate relationship with God in His Word. But while it’s out of the overflow of their own relationship with God that they write to encourage us— it is second hand information to you and me.
Friend, if all you and I ever get is second hand information about God, we will never stand strong in our faith. Moreover, we will miss out on the beauty of an intimate relationship with the God of the universe.
HOWEVER— each and every time you open up your Bible and listen to God, something SUPERNATURAL happens (whether you feel it or not); because God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12); and it can do what no other writing or message can do: it will transform your mind, your heart and your life! It will open your eyes to the True Truth according to the God who created everything, and who is beautiful and who loves you!
So, grab your bible, open it up and just. start. reading. And say to Him as Samuel did, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10).
We have a deep *need* to hear God. So, If you want to hear God, you need a Bible; you need to read it; and you need to listen. Because Jesus really is calling, y’all.
I love y’all!
xo – P♥️
P.S. Need some help? Check out this resource from Chuck Swindoll about reading your Bible:
“To hear from God today, you need the Bible. Don’t rely on your impressions. Open the Book! Read through each section silently or aloud. Read thoughtfully and prayerfully. Think about how it applies to your life.
I encourage you to read systematically as well. Don’t just flip the Bible open and hope to find a verse that makes sense to you. Start at the beginning of a book and work your way through it. Go slowly. Pray as you go. Consult a trustworthy commentary to enrich your own thinking. Ask God to make His Word alive in you. When you sit down to spend time in His Word, block out everything else and focus solely on Him.”
The Swindoll Study Bible – Tyndale House Publishers