22 Sep James the Just
Last Wednesday night at the Women at the Well Bible Study our lesson focused on the title that James used to introduce himself: A bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. We looked at the marks or responses of a bondservant (see below) and what that means for us today as true followers… bondservants of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we learned, a bondservant (Greek: doulos) is a slave- one who gives herself up to another’s will and is devoted to another to the disregard of her own interests (Strong’s definition), and is without rights.
The background for the concept of being the Lord’s slave or bondservant can be seen throughout the Old Testament scriptures in the lives of Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah and others. For the Jew this concept did not connote drudgery, but honor and privilege. Perhaps we can best understand for ourselves the concept of a bondservant if we look to the One we serve; the One who Himself was the Bondservant of all bondservants (Philippians 2:1-11).
Sister, we all serve somebody, but you will never serve a better Master than the One who served you on the cross at Calvary. He is worth surrendering to! Though the bondservant of the Lord is without rights, she is not without benefits that include: Extraordinary mercy and unmerited grace; forgiveness of sins- past, present and future; peace that passes all understanding; joy in the midst of suffering and trials; unconditional and unfailing love…and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ Himself that enables a bondservant to live an extraordinary life… an eternal life… an abundant life!
I pray that this lesson has been one that has transformed your thinking about the One you serve. And I pray especially that if you haven’t you have not made Jesus Christ the Lord and Master of your life that you will not wait another moment to do so. Life as a bondservant of Christ is the only way to truly live! When you are a slave to the Greatest Love in the entire world abundant life is yours, indeed!
You are dearly loved by the King!
PS: If you missed the lesson, be sure to listen online!
5 Marks or Responses of a Bondservant
(based on Luke 17:7-10):1. A Bondservant is willing to serve the Lord without expecting anything in return:
2. A Bondservant is willing not to be thanked and praised for her service.
3. A Bondservant serves her Master whole-heartedly regardless of how she’s being treated- regardless of what comes our way, regardless of the hardships, trials and sufferings of this life that God allows.
4. A Bondservant understands that in and of herself she incapable of serving God at all- that it is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit of Christ in you that equips you with everything good for doing His will…and what is pleasing to Him (Hebrews 13:20-21)
5. A Bondservant serves her Master as is her duty to do so.