23 Apr Keep The Conversation Going
I believe we should set aside a special time each day to talk and listen to God, but– we should keep that conversation going all throughout the day, too!
It’s like this: If you and I were hanging out together, side-by-side all day long, and I was going about my business, doing things around my house, going to my office, working, driving in my car, going to the grocery store— but I never said anything to you, never even acknowledged that you were there… that’s weird, right? Well, that’s how it is with you and God. He’s with you all the time. He’s in you all the time. And he’s waiting for you to talk to him about anything…anytime.
Whether you want to tell him how cool it is that everything is blooming outside, or just how amazing a meal was… it doesn’t matter what you want to tell him– just comment and acknowledge that he’s there. You can tell him how great everything is… or how great everything isn’t right now. Pour out your heart, your lament, your highest highs and your lowest lows. Give it all to him.♥️ You don’t have to wait until the next “special appointed time” to talk to God. Talk to him now!
The writer of Hebrews tells us in Hebrews 4:16 that we can go boldly anytime we want “into the throne of grace.” And Paul tells us in Philippians 4:16 to pray about everything. So, there’s nothing you can’t talk to God about at any time of day or night. Talk to him about everything because he knows your heart¬– he knows what’s in there.
Talk to God, pray about everything, and pray with confidence knowing who you are and Whose you are, and that when you pray, your Abba Father God hears you. Not only does he hear you, he waits for you to speak to him and he wants to hear your voice. He wants to because you are a dearly loved child of the Most High God! That’s who you are and that’s Whose you are.
Don’t forget to remember that you belong to God, and that he has given you 24/7 access to him. So, start right now and talk to him! He’s your best friend!
I love y’all!
xo – P♥️