10 Feb Letting Go to Take Hold (Part 2)
And grace speaks, “Whatever didn’t get done is done. Not perfectly. Maybe not at all, but it’s done.” Selah…
And so the last month has been one of letting go of the past and straining forward to begin again- to move into the future of only-God-knows-what. Maybe it’s not about catching up as much as it is about letting go. We can’t move on, move forward and lay hold of the future God has for us this year, unless we let go of what has already past. We can’t step into our destiny, and the full-throttle purpose God has for us until we make room for Him to be able to move through us. Gently, lovingly, kindly, but firmly He commands, “Let go of the past…and move forward.”
The gift to begin again happens at the dawn of every New Year, every new day, every new hour, every new moment. He knows how hard it is to do life on this planet. How hard it is to keep up, keep going, and pressing onward and upward toward the goal. He knows how hard it is to… be us. And so He gives us a bountifully gracious supply of new beginnings that can be had every second of every day, of every breath of your life. So great are His daily mercies toward us.
Letting go can be frightening, indeed. But this is the year to take the risk to “feel the fear and do it anyway,” straining forward with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead. I want absolutely everything God has to give me this year… everything He has for me to do. Don’t you? No more bellyaching about what didn’t get done. It’s o-v-e-r. There is a new year happening now and I don’t want to miss one moment of it. I don’t want to be left behind through my own disobedience. I don’t want to be left out of the new thing God is doing; left out because I was too afraid to risk letting go of what is behind.
What might God be asking you to let go of? Maybe an attitude you’re stuck in, maybe some relationships that keep draining you, or maybe it’s just piles and stacks of stuff that you’ll get to one day, but never do. Either do it now or put it behind you- and move forward, in freedom, into the destiny that awaits you this new year!
You are greatly and dearly loved by The King!
xo – P