16 Jun Live An Encourager’s Life!
In a world that excels at tearing people down, Christ’s followers…God’s children, are called to be people who excel at encouraging and building people up—especially in the family of God.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “So speak encouraging words to one another and build each other up.” The early Christians had it rough, and rougher times were ahead. So, Paul encouraged them to habitually encourage one another.
That wasn’t a word just for them and for then, it’s a word for us and for now.
The Bible tells us (over 100 times) to be encouragers, to speak encouragement—now. Thinking about eulogies— we’re generous with words of encouragement, blessing, love, appreciation, and admiration *after* a person is no longer alive to hear them. We regret the things we wish we’d said once it’s too late for them to matter.
*Thinking* encouragement is not the same as speaking it. Our words have the power to give life, to build up, encourage, inspire, give people hope, redirect their path, and help them to see things from God’s perspective. But if we never speak them they benefit no one.
While the culture is *reimagining* everything, we don’t have to reimagine ourselves as encouragers. God calls us to it, so we must do it…now! Say it now! Imagine what could happen if we start making a habit of encouraging others, eulogizing (speaking words of praise & blessing) people while they can hear it.
Begin living an Encourager’s life today!
* Have you been withholding words of encouragement, praise, gratitude, or admiration from someone? Stop withholding & start blessing!
* Have you been meaning to tell someone how much she/he means to you? How you love & admire them? How much they’ve impacted your life? Sit down today; make that call, write that letter. Meet with that person and encourage them face-to-face.
* Maybe there’s someone who really bugs you, or with whom you’ve been offended or held a grudge. Stop right now & encourage them in some way. It will encourage your own heart to do so!
It’s a battle out there. Let’s be people who beautifully & generously speak words that encourage and build up. Doing so has the profound potential to change a person’s life.
I love y’all,
xo – P♥️