Making the Most of Now!

Sooooo… by popular demand (or should I say, under much duress) I have been encouraged to write a blog.  Yes – I’m eating my own words as I write them!  But, I have been so persuaded to do this as a vehicle of encouragement and communication with a broad group of wonderful women I’ve had the privilege to meet as I’ve spoken around the country over the past years.  This seems to be the best way to stay connected with you all and connect you with one another. 

This blog is meant to be an encouragement to you in your everyday-life with the Lord; to help you keep it real, overcome discouragement… and make the most of now!  In no way do I want to distract you or detract from the full impact of God’s power and Truth as it speaks into our lives, but only to underscore what I know He can and wants to do!  My goal is always and in all ways to bring glory and honor to Him alone and make His Name famous!  Amen!

And so I pray you will be a “careful blogger” and not allow this to intrude upon or take the place of your relationship with the One and Only who is our our Everything, and always available to you 24-7!

With that ~ let’s have some fun, get to know our sisters around the country and… “encourage one another and build each other up…”  I Thessalonians 5:11

Much love to you sweet friends!