13 Jul My Cup Runneth Over!
Wow! I have been so over-loved and over-blessed with prayers, notes, gifts and encouragement. Do you think it’s ok to go into surgery with a LOVE HANGOVER? Because I’ve got a big one!! I’ve had calls and cards from friends I have not heard from in years; I’ve had more emails and text messages than I can reply to; and I’ve been showered with the sweetest gifts: like the weekly notes from precious Winnie Siezer from our church who prays for me and always includes two tea bags in her card so I can “enjoy a cup of tea”…and I do; and the daily email prayers from my faithful friend Judi Popkin, who has blessed me so by writing them every day for two months! And I’ve certainly received some of the funniest gifts ever, but none more than the Gund stuffed toy version of a Blue-billed Blue-footed Booby that my friend, Sandi Sands, delivered to me (true –you can only find the real ones in the Galapagos Islands… or the stuffed version on Ebay). Oh, yeh, “Booby” will be making the trip to the hospital with me, for sure. Ya gotta laugh! You’ve just got to!
So, I thank the sweet Lord for loving on me so good through all of YOU!! Tomorrow is the big “Extreme Makeover” beginning bright and early at Baylor with a call time of 5:30 AM. That’s 5:30… AM… in the morning… while it’s still dark out. So, my first prayer request is for my ever-lovin’ man, John, who is not a morning person (serious understatement), but will no doubt rise to the occasion for me. He’s my hero! Surgery is at 7:30. Apparently I am the first surgery of the day for my two doctors; at least I hope I am. Lord help them if they have an earlier call than mine!!
And that is my next prayer request – for my doctors: Dr. Michael Grant will once again do the breast surgery (mastectomy), and my plastic surgeon, Dr. Bill Carpenter, will do the reconstruction (gotta love that name Carpenter). They are wonderful men and incredibly gifted physicians – and I don’t use that term lightly. Having trusted the Lord from the get go, John and I are convinced and have no doubt that He led us into the very best of care with these two. As before, I hope you will join me in praying for their wives and families, too. I know that God has gifted them with powerful partners-in-marriage in order to do the work that they so wonderfully do; I’m grateful for the team of encouragement that surrounds them both in their office practices and at home! I have a new admiration and appreciation for people in this field of ministry. And it is ministry in every sense of the word.
Most importantly I pray that my third Surgeon, The Great Physician, will be so glorified in all of what He’s leading me through. May the other doctors absolutely feel His presence with them tomorrow! He is so good… all the time, and don’t you ever forget it!
Thank you, again, for all your love, support and encouragement. You mean the world to John and me and we love you dearly!
In His love and care ~
John & Punky
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church
and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21