20 Jul The Lessons of Near-Death Experiences
It’s been a big political news week.
- Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt on his life last Saturday, which left two persons dead (including the shooter), and two others critically injured.
- President Joe Biden has been struggling with his health recently. This week he was diagnosed with COVID-19 again. He also has some big decisions before him pertaining to continuing with his reelection campaign.
They need my prayers and yours. You may find one (or both) of these Presidents despicable, and it may be difficult for you to pray for them—unless you understand this: It’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s about Sovereign Almighty God.
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4
The Sovereignty of God
Sovereign: Supreme power or authority; controlling influence (Webster’s).
What does it mean that God is sovereign? It means God is in absolute control over all things. He sees all things, knows all things, controls all things, allows or disallows all things…in order to accomplish His intended plan and conclusion for this world and those in it.
Near-Death Experiences
Have you ever had a brush with death… a close call that nearly took your life? I have. First it was cancer, 15 years ago, which I’ve written about frequently. I’m considered a “survivor.”
Second was a flight my husband and I were on from Dallas to Seattle about 12 years ago; taxiing down the runway at DFW International Airport we heard a loud clicking and smelled something burning; and as the plane was climbing into the air, one of the engine’s burned out. We were warned to stay safely buckled into our seats with our shoes on as the plane remained low in the sky, and slowly circled back to land at the airport—where we were met on the tarmac by the fire department and rescue teams. Hanging midair for about 20 minutes seemed like an eternity as John and I gripped hands, prayed, and came face-to-face with our mortality. We learned later that engines that go out on takeoff seldom land safely. We survived.
One thing I can tell you for sure about coming face-to-face with your mortality is that it changes you. In an instant, the radar screen of your life is cleared of everything except what is truly important, what truly matters, and is eternal: God, your relationship with Him, and the people you love. Near-death experiences have a way of clarifying our vision and purifying our hearts of things that inhibit the satisfying saturation of God’s love in our life—and the purpose for which He created us to be alive.
Something to Think About:
God is Sovereign over our lives—knowing and allowing the number of days we will live. King David wrote, “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered — how fleeting my life is” (Psalm 39:4 NLT). Every moment we are alive on this earth is God-given and to be lived for the glory of God alone. My prayer for us—and for Donald Trump and Joe Biden—is that the circumstances of our lives will cause us to deeply reflect on God’s grace and mercy, and that we will draw near to Him with our whole hearts and live our lives for the glory and purposes of God alone.
One More Thing
Perhaps the biggest thing I’ve learned about near-death experiences and God’s sovereignty is that He is the author, giver, sustainer, and finisher of my life. He’s writing the story, and it’s not finished until He’s finished. And because of that God wants me to do more than just survive the thing that nearly took me out. He wants me, and he wants you, to thrive in the purpose for which He created us…while we are alive on this planet, and to make every single day of my beautiful ordinary life count for Him.
My friend, each week I end with the same exhortation—not to forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King. What will you prioritize this week, as a woman who is so deeply loved, and who has been given the gift of this beautiful, ordinary life by our Sovereign God?
I love you!
xo – P❤️
A Prayer for our Presidents
I pray God’s mercy, grace, protection, healing, and comfort to former President Donald Trump, to the families of those wounded and killed, and to all involved in that horrible incident. May Almighty God work in all of this for His ultimate plan and great glory. I also pray for God’s mercy, grace, protection, healing, and comfort to President Biden as he is the Commander and Chief of our country. I pray for his physical healing and strength, and for wisdom and discernment in every decision before him. And I pray our God works in all of this for His ultimate plan and great glory.
If you find it difficult to pray for either of these men, please remember:
God loves them, too. For God dearly loves the whole world—the people in it—that He gave His One and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
God’s hand is on them. Yes! They’ve both served as Presidents, governing authorities, of the U.S.A. The Bible tells us this:
- He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; (Daniel 2:21).
- Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God (Romans 13:1).
And if you’d like a more thorough download on the sovereignty of God, read this excellent article from GodQuestions.org.