30 Jan Nut Case
I would be an absolute nut case if I did not lay out the pieces of my heart and mind to God first thing in the morning.
Today is one of those mornings. So much ahead of me today that my mind was already racing in 1 million different directions… at 5:20 a.m. So down I went. To the breathing room. To lay out the pieces of my life on God’s alter… my head and heart in his lap.
There’s a lot to be said for forming habits. And I can’t say enough about forming the holy habit of talking to God first thing in the morning. Before you talk to anybody else, before you Google anything, before you check social media and let everybody else’s voice start screaming into your head… just talk to God.
Sometimes my thoughts are rambling, and I can’t even put words to them. But he knows. He knows how to decipher the scattered pieces in my mind and heart. And he listens. He always listens. In fact he “bends down to listen” to me (Psalm 116:1-2).
David was so confident in that. His conversations with God are real, they‘re honest and messy but full of trust. Listening to David’s conversations with God has helped me to pray that way and talk to God in all honesty. Authentically. Praying my guts out. I mean, if you can’t pour it all out to God then who can you pour it all out too? Because we will for sure run some folks off if we keep throwing up our broken pieces on them every day.
But God can handle it. He’s the only one who can. In fact he expects us to do exactly that: pour it all out to him. As my husband would say, somebody needs to “hold the bucket” while we just let it all out. Know what I mean?
And God…well he is the only one who can do anything about absolutely everything that concerns you and me.
—> Question: why is it hard for you to pray?
Here’s David’s prayer. Make it yours. Right now. God is waiting. He’s listening. Have at it.
Listen, God! Please, pay attention! Can you make sense of these ramblings, my groans and cries? King-God, I need your help. Every morning you’ll hear me at it again. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend.
Psalm 5:1 – MSG
I love y’all!
xo– P♥️