29 Oct Race for the Cure Celebration!
Thought you all might like to take a peek at the fun we had that morning…
Here’s our faithful Team who all sacrificed their Saturday morning sleep-in to walk in the “Fun-Run” portion of the Race! (Somehow “fun-run” seems a bit of an oximoronic term to me.)
That pretty golden glow you see in the background would be the SUN coming up. Yep, we all got up, and lined up before the sun came up!
The sacrifices people make just blow me away! Like my man, John; knowing how much he loves his Saturday mornings to sleep in!!!
Some more of the Team… having fun before the sun comes up!!
I’m blessed and honored to be in the company of the wonderful and courageous women pictured below! They’ve all gone before me in the adventure of breast cancer, and as only those who “speak the same language” can do, they’ve encouraged and supported me, and cheered me to the finish line. I affectionately refer to them as my “Bosom Buddies” – and we all understand more than ever what it means to be MORE THAN CONQUERORS over breast cancer!!
OK – let’s get ready to race….
WOW!! What an overwhelming site!! Even the “Last Call” sale at Neiman’s doesn’t draw crowds this big!!!
It doesn’t matter what life hands you – divorce, disease, death of a loved one, financial crisis, prodigal children, aging parents, angry boss, addiction, loneliness, a wrong turn, an uncertain future, natural disasters, menopause, a bad day, a bad week, a bad attitude or a bad hair day… whatever it is, at the end of the day we can still exclaim that…