30 Sep September Recap: Opt Out of Crazy
Hey there, friends!
I think it’s safe to say the holiday season is upon us! Yay! Fall is in the air and at the first temperature dip into the 60’s those sweaters come out and pumpkins are everywhere! It’s my very favorite season of the year and I absolutely adore all things pumpkin! I mean, I openly praise God for pumpkin spice lattes. It really does make the political season more bearable. Kinda.
Speaking of the upcoming election…no matter where you stand politically, just be sure you’re registered to vote. We are so greatly privileged in this country to actually be able to have a say in who governs us, and voting is our right and our responsibility. So, go vote! And on that note—
2020 has been relentless on all fronts, and we still have three more months to go. Taking a quick pulse, one thing is evident— no, make that two things: 1) Anxiety is on the rise, and 2) we have a propensity for crazy.
We’re bizarrely attracted to crazy (ie- reality TV epidemic), are we not? We search for it, saturating our minds with it ad nauseam (ie- conspiracy theory epidemic); and then there are those who are bent toward crazy-making themselves (ie- rioting epidemic).
Crazy reveals a gross lack of wisdom and understanding. The bible refers to it as foolishness, stupidity, unwise, lacking in good judgment and dangerous. But whatever you call it, there’s just too much of it out there and we’re giving it an all-access pass into our mind and heart. Thus the rise of anxiety everywhere.
So- here’s a little bit of unsolicited advice: I humbly (but bossily) suggest opting out of crazy and going for some wisdom instead. The Bible says, “Get wisdom! Get understanding!” (Proverbs 4). It’s written in the imperative, meaning, “Go after it like your life depends on it, because it does!” But the thing is— like oil + water, wisdom + crazy don’t mix. So we’ve got to get the crazy out by replacing it with wisdom.
How about we start this week and *unsubscribe* from all the foolishness out there and give our minds a break? Detox our heart and head and just see if we don’t feel better, see if our anxiety level drops. Decide right now to opt out of crazy (and the crazy-makers) and opt in to the wisdom of God’s Word.
If you’re not already spending 100 Days with Jesus in my reading plan, it’s never too late to join in!
I love y’all dearly, and don’t you forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King!
xo – P♥️
PS: If you have not yet watched the Netflix documentary, “The Social Dilemma,” I highly recommend it. It would be great to watch with your older kids, too.