Storm Watch

A couple of weeks ago, I told y’all that I was a “wordy” (or is it wordie?)—one who loves and uses lots of words. Alas, every writer comes to a point when they are at a loss for words. Call it writer’s block or whatever. I’m not so much feeling that I’m blocked as I am so full of words that I simply cannot get them out in the right way in order to write them instead of spewing them. Mostly because I have an abundance of mad words and sad words in my head about the way of the world, our country, and the way that life has changed in some tragically dramatic ways. (No, this will not be a political spiel.) 

Nothing Escapes God’s Notice

There is good and there is evil at work simultaneously around us. There always has been, and none of it escapes God’s notice. Nothing going on in our world has caught Him by surprise or left Him scratching His head wondering, now what am I going to do? He knows. He knows! He’s not only aware, but He’s been on it from the beginning of time.

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
–Proverbs 15:3

Even so, it really can be a lot to handle at times—like now. It feels heavy right now. Stormy.

“Who is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” (Mark 4:41)

John and I were finally able to get away for a couple of weeks of much-needed vacation. So here we are at our favorite little beach town—a gift from some dear friends. It’s quiet, easy, laid back, beautiful, nostalgic…wonderful. Storms roll in late in the afternoon—and I love it! The ocean and the mountains are the two places I experience God’s greatness—where I feel closest to His Almightiness. It’s as comforting as it is awesome; it’s a tangible reminder every time I look out at that endless sea that He is the God who created it and commands it. And if that, then how much more does he command?

I’ll tell you: absolutely everything.

Storm Watch

It’s hurricane season, and hurricane preparedness is a way of life here in Florida that I grew up understanding from a very young age. We pretty much got ready—made all the necessary preparations—and then lived ready to weather the storms.

Seems like there are all kinds of storms brewing all around us these days. Big ones. Personally, I’ve taken in a lot of heavy, stormy stuff lately; and while it makes me mad and sad, it also makes me more aware of how much I need Jesus. How much the world around me needs Jesus. And the only way to navigate this way of life as we now know it, is to keep our eyes on Jesus… the One Who has everything under His control. Jesus is our preparedness—and our only Hope—in the storms of life.

Something to Think About

What do we do when we feel burdened–when our minds are overwhelmed and consumed with what’s going on in the world around us? Christians, above all people in this world, should be the most informed. We must know what’s going on in our world so that we can rightly speak to it with Truth, and help others live by faith. We’ve got to reset; to recalibrate and refocus on God and His Truth.

Recalibrate and Refocus on God and His Truth

First—Be aware of how you’re living:

  • How do you start your day?
  • What has been filling your mind lately?
  • What have you been reading?
  • What or who have you been listening to?
  • What have most of your conversations been about?
  • What has most of your time been given to lately?

Second—Reset all of the above to God’s Truth.

  • Before you do anything, start with God and God’s Word. Surrender your day to Him, and get His Words into your mind, into your heart, your ears, in your mouth. His Word will act as the filter for everything else you take throughout the day. His word will be your trustworthy guide, your comfort, and your wisdom to rightly discern truth over error as you navigate the stormy situations in the world.
  • If you’re going to spend hours in reading up on and studying what’s going on in the world—you’ve certainly got time to read up and study what God’s has to say. Read the Bible…take in a hefty serving of God’s Word every day. It will make all the difference in the world in how you live your life—and you’ll be equipped to handle the storms and help others navigate them as well.
  • Meditate on God’s Word—carry one verse, one thought from Scripture with you throughout your day. Think it over and over… repeat it aloud, especially when you start to feel overwhelmed, or spiritually dry and lethargic. God’s Word is “living and active” (Hebrews 4:12); full of spiritual energy to energize you!

One More Thing:

Just like those fishermen in the boat who were terrified of the storm around them—you and I, as believers, are called to shift our focus and our fear from the overwhelming storms blowing through this life to the One who has complete authority in heaven and on the earth. As I say so often, He is the only One who can do anything about everything that concerns us in this world.

So, get prepared. Live prepared. Sink your thoughts, your life—your all—in Jesus, and trust Him that no matter what…and He will get you through the storms!

Until next week— don’t forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King! And let’s live our beautiful, ordinary lives like women who believe it!

I love you!

xo – P❤️