Before you do anything…talk to God

I’m reading through the Gospel of Luke through December. I forced myself to a screeching halt when I started to feel overwhelmed by that Christmas-rush-feeling the day after Thanksgiving. And btw, I’d like for legislation to be passed that moves Thanksgiving to the beginning of November so that I can have at least a few weeks to digest my turkey before the tree goes up! Anybody? So, I forced myself to a screeching halt, stopped the online Black-Friday-panic-shopping, and just caught my breath. Hearing that familiar whisper, again, “Come away with me to a quiet place…” before you do anything else, talk to Me, I did just that. Settling into the beautiful Gospel of Luke is the best way to keep my heart and mind focused on Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas: his conception, birth, life, death, resurrection, and his coming again!

Before we do anything— before the gift list, before the tree decorating, before the shopping, the parties, all the baking, and the DIY-gift-making… before anything else, be with Jesus. Give him your time, your lists, and the people on your list. Do whatever he tells you to do (John 2:5), and be sure to invite him into every single thing you have to do— doing it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)—and it will go beautifully better.

Reading through Luke’s gospel…

I’m aiming to read one chapter a day. There are 24, and you still have plenty of time to get started and finish the gospel of Luke by December 31st. Some days I read more than one chapter, and other days I’ve taken a deep dive and lingered— thinking, studying and reflecting on what God is saying to me about Himself, his Son, and the way to follow him in my everyday life.

What my reading time looks like: I pray, thanking God for His Word, and ask Him to open my heart and mind to understand the Scriptures (Ephesians 1:17). Sometimes I read straight through. But often I jot down some notes and thoughts, revelations I’ve had—things that hadn’t occurred to me before; convictions the Holy Spirit alerts me to (always room for a good heart-edit). There’s always something to take personally and apply to my life; and there’s always something to share and encourage others with. Most of all, listening to God in His Word keeps my heart open to the beauty of the priceless gift of Christ our Savior—and it will yours! I’m sure of it!

Something to Think About

One thing is abundantly clear in the gospel accounts of Jesus’s life: Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father, and a certain hope of eternity with Him.

“You cannot be neutral about Jesus Christ. Spiritually, you either rise or fall with your response to him.”
Paul David Tripp

Tripp goes on to write, “It is not enough to say he was a good prophet and teacher. You either say he is the Messiah Savior and bow before hm and cry out for his grace, or you reject him and your need for his grace…”

That’s a good and true word, yet it may sound harsh to many—even to many believers. I know people who say that what God demands is just too exclusive, too offensive, too unloving and unkind to be so black and white.

Friends— sin is real, the gospel is not gray, and grace is not cheap. What God has done for us in His great love through Christ Jesus—what He offers to us by the priceless blood of His Son—is the most kind, loving, gracious event in the history of the world! Yes, it is a narrow way, but it is THE WAY of the abundance of God and with God… an abundance of love, grace, forgiveness, redemption, hope, joy, peace, salvation…and the glorious intimate knowledge and presence of God Almighty forever! You only have to receive the Gift to get the blessing of His abundant life.

“Jesus is humanity’s great fault line; every person’s eternal fate is set by
the rejection or acceptance of him.
There is to neutral ground.”
Paul David Tripp

One More Thing

Another word of encouragement: Keep some beautiful Christmas hymns and songs going in your home, car, office, and heart throughout this month. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree is a fun song, but I’m talking about songs and hymns that plumb the depths of your heart with the truth of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

What’s your favorite Christmas hymn? Mine is O Holy Night… I can’t even think the words without bawling. I’ve linked to Carrie Underwood’s beautiful rendition. Listen to every word… they just slay me: “…His law is love, and His Gospel is peace!”

Until next week— don’t forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King! And let’s live our beautiful, ordinary lives like women who believe it!

Merry Christmas! I love you!
xo – P❤️