It’s Time to P.U.S.H.

October is my favorite month of the year. But this year, October has begun with tragedy and heartache on so many levels. Hurricane Helene has been a life-wrecker of epic proportions. The war in the Middle East is at a boiling point. Our country is on the verge of a critical political election at every level of government; the results of which will initiate life-changing policies (as every election does), that will dramatically affect our future, and the future of the next generation—one way or another. So, my message to you this week is urgent—because we urgently need God. We need prayer—and action—for all the things I’ve mentioned above, and more. This is going to be more of a bullet point message—so here goes.

What to do when you don’t know what to do: P.U.S.H.

Pray. Until. Something. Happens.

Trouble of any kind and every kind is going to hit us at some time in one way or another. That is the hard fact of life in a fallen world, on a broken planet that is groaning for the return of our Lord and Savior (Romans 8:19).

But God!

For the people who have been devastated by Hurricane Helene, or any gust of wind from life that knocks the breath out of you, there is comfort in knowing that God has expected what you didn’t, and He’s there…meeting you in the midst of the storm, and with you all the way. So, let’s pray to our God, who is present Help, a Refuge and Strength in times of trouble:

God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Let the oceans roar and foam.
Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Selah.
Psalm 46:1-3

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2

Pray with me—

Lord Almighty, God of forever and always—

You so favor the suffering. You’ve promised to hear when we call on You, and be there in our time of suffering and trial. Thank you that the only qualification for Your help is to be in trouble—and to cry out to You for the help we need. Father God, You know how hard it is to be us on this planet, and You come close— tenderly comforting those who are broken in body, mind and in spirit. Thank You, God, for Your presence with us, and Your refuge to us. O Lord, thank You for using everything that happens to us to woo us to Yourself…to draw us into your heart of love. For those who don’t know You, Lord, we pray that they would come to You in this time of horrific trouble and receive Your Peace— the true Peace of God that comes by receiving Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior of their life. May everyone suffering from Helene, or any other kind of storm, know Your personal presence and love in the midst of their trouble. Please keep them ever present on our mind and heart—and in our constant and fervent prayers. Stir us to action, and move us to be quick to act on what You call us to do in being the hands and feet of Jesus.

O, Lord, come quick to save. O, Lord, come quick to heal. Be gracious and merciful to those whose lives have fallen apart. Bind them in your love, and may they know the Hope of Christ, and the kindness of their Savior.

And it’s in his saving name that we pray. Amen.

Ways to HELP:

Samaritan’s Purse
Samaritan’s Purse, located in Boone, NC, is doing a phenomenal work in providing rescue and relief to those affected by Hurricane Helene. You can read about the organization and their progress to date at Below are the specific links where you can GIVE and SERVE.

Samaritan’s Purse, U. S. Disaster Relief: Give here
Samaritan’s Purse Service Opportunities: Volunteer here

Something to Think About

V O T E: Did you know that there are 90 million evangelical Christians eligible to vote in the United States? The shocking thing is that of those 90 million, 40 million do not vote, and 15 million are not even registered to vote.

It’s no accident that you and I are right where we are right now. God has purposed each of us—appointed us to be alive on the planet at this specific time, living in the places in which we live. As Christ’s followers, we are to be leaders, impacting the culture for him. Voting is one way we do this. Voting is not only your privilege and right; it is your responsibility and duty. If you are a citizen of this country, then every aspect of your daily life has in some way been touched, shaped and blessed by the freedoms we have in America. Those freedoms have come by way of politics, politicians, policies and the laws crafted by the officials we elect. And policies affect people. So, please VOTE!

The 2024 Election

The Family Research Council
The Family Research Council ( has put out a wonderful 40-day prayer guide for our nation and the election. It starts with praying for your own heart—where true change always begins. Download The FRC Election Prayer Guide, print it out, start at the beginning and do a couple each day to catch up. It will keep your heart and mind focused in the right way over the next 32 days.

Cornerstone Chapel – Election Day Sermon 2024
Pastor Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA, preached his Election Day sermon a few weeks ago, and it’s the best biblical message on the importance of voting I’ve heard. Based on Ezekiel 33:1-5, this sermon will give you a Biblical Worldview and right understanding of the issues we face today. Please take time to listen/watch. I think it will really encourage you and help you make a Biblical decision when voting. Watch or listen here: ELECTION SERMON 2024

One More Thing

Nothing catches God off guard. Nothing worries Him, or makes Him rethink His plan for humanity. He is the Author, the Beginner, the Initiator, and the Sovereign of all. And He is the Only One who can do anything about everything that concerns us. Even now. Even always. He’s already seen it all, and He will see us through it all. Let your heart be comforted and strengthened in that truth. And may God have mercy on our country and shower His grace on us in these times of need.

Until next week— Keep Pray until something happens. And don’t forget that you are greatly and dearly loved by The King! So, let’s live our beautiful, ordinary lives like women who believe it!

I love you!
xo – P❤️