16 Apr Walk In The Spirit
Galatians 5:16 (NIV) says, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” A “walk” in the Bible is typically a metaphor for practical, daily living. So, to “walk in the Spirit” would then mean that we yield to his control– day by day, moment by moment, incident by incident– whatever our circumstances are.⠀
How do we yield to the control of the Holy Spirit? We yield to his control by obeying God’s Word—doing what he tells us to do, taking his counsel. As we do, he empowers us to walk in obedience—and thus we’re led by the Holy Spirit, allowing him to exert his influence over us… and not just in times of major life crisis, but also in everyday life. Indeed, we yield in the very *ordinary* circumstances of life… the scratchy times you get in with your kids, spouse, or work relationships, or when you struggle with your own impatience… whatever it may be.⠀
When we “walk in the Spirit” we go with the Spirit of God; it’s the opposite of resisting him, pushing back, or grieving him– it means to lean in and let him guide us. As we walk in the spirit and lean on him, we learn to rely on him more and more. The more we rely on him = the stronger our reliance on him becomes. The more we trust him to guide our thoughts, our words, and our actions = the easier it becomes to trust him, and God’s Spirit within you gets fuller and bigger and stronger and begins to produce the kind of spiritual fruit that comes from his life living in you.⠀
This week, practice walking in the Spirit—take God at his Word, step out in obedience and watch the Holy Spirit propel you in faith.⠀
I love y’all!⠀
xo – P♥️⠀