26 Apr You Are The Daughter of the Creator of the Universe
In Ephesians 1, Paul tells us all of these things that you and I have “inherited” as a dearly loved child of the Most High God. Think about that– the Creator of the Universe is your Father! You are a daughter at the King of the Universe— and there is nothing your God can’t do. There is nothing that is impossible for him. He is the only one who can do anything about everything that concerns you. So, talk to him!
Just think— your Father can do anything! He has all surpassing authority over all because he has created everything. Do you believe that? Do you believe him? Do you pray like you do? That’s the kind of boldness and confidence with which we’ve got to pray.
Pray like you believe he’s listening. Pray like you believe that there’s nothing too small to talk to God about. Pray like there’s nothing too big to bring to him. Pray like there’s nothing too awful, too shameful, too hurtful, or too painful. If something is causing you confusion, if you’re angry about it, frustrated, or you simply don’t understand something– bring it to your Father God.
Remember in Hebrews 4:16 we read that we can “come boldly to the throne room of grace to find mercy in our time of need.” When we walk in, we come boldly– not timidly, not sneaking in, not hanging our head down, or barely looking up. We don’t barge in like a spoiled brat, but like a child who knows exactly who she’s going to, for whatever she needs, with confidence that her Father will listen and respond.
P.S. If you had a great relationship with your dad here on earth, then this might be easy for you to understand. But if you didn’t have that kind of relationship with your earthly father, then there’s a good chance you’ve got a “father wound” in there in some way. That is all the more reason you’ve got to get to know your Abba Father, your God in heaven, because he loves you so incredibly much—beyond anything you’ve ever experienced! He loves you more than any earthly father or mother ever could… a thousand-million-billion-eternal times more than they could. But the only way to know that is to get to know him through his Word.
It’s critical that you get to know God and his boundless love for you because here’s the thing: You’re not going to trust someone you don’t know, and you’re not going to get to know God apart from His Word—the Bible. And oh, sweet friend, your heavenly Father can absolutely be trusted— 100%, all the time!
I love y’all!
xo – P♥️