15 Mar Stay the Course
Patience. It can be the bane of our existence when we resist it, or the blessing of a lifetime when we surrender to it. In fact I’m here to tell you that as you surrender and let the fruit of patience develop in your life...
Patience. It can be the bane of our existence when we resist it, or the blessing of a lifetime when we surrender to it. In fact I’m here to tell you that as you surrender and let the fruit of patience develop in your life...
Where are you storing up your treasure? The Bible shows us, in regard to riches and possessions, that there are two kinds of people: Those who store up treasures on earth, and those who store up treasures in heaven. One of the interesting points for...
The way to win the war over the world, the flesh, and the Devil is to deny ourselves by surrendering our wants, our needs and ourselves to God daily...
People are dying for lack of knowledge and wisdom. How do I know? Just pick up the newspaper or turn on the TV and you'll find any number of tragedies linked to very poor, unwise choices made by some seemingly most "smart" people. Smart and...
Did you know that the greatest and most powerful instrument for positive & effective influence sits right between your nose and your chin? That's right- your mouth, or more specifically, your tongue. The power of speech is a most powerful gift and God has given...
Sometimes I ask God, "why" and He remains silent. Other times, He speaks loud and clear. I found the following message from G.D. Watson both hurtful and humbling as well as freeing. It is one of those "good" words that is more "good-for-you" good rather...
The holiday season is here and now! This year has absolutely flown by- and the older I get the faster they fly! You too? Well, I sure do hope that you're enJOYing this blessed and special time of year and that you and yours will throttle back and...
Love is the only antidote for partiality...
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22 You have to love a man who flat out tells it like it is, and James is certainly that kind of man. His teaching is about as black and...
Do you remember the MasterCard "Priceless" ad campaign from a few years ago? You know the ones: Kids with mom and dad picking out a new puppy as the announcer reveals the value of the things seen in the commercial: New puppy: $800; cost of...