Only one woman in history has had the experience that Mary had. The blessed Word of God leaves enough room in her story to make me wonder what on earth that young, unmarried pregnant-with-God’s-Son girl must have been experiencing? The mental weight of what she...

A million stars were exploding early this morning as our sweet mama went Home with Jesus— the Love of her life. She suffered little on the home stretch, and her heart literally beat wildly with excitement as she took her last breath here on this...

The divine and supernatural concept of God becoming man blows my mind- and I hope it blows yours, too...

Read the words of John 1:1 and 1:14 over and over again. Read them out loud. Ponder them deeply… hold them dearly— “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). And the Word became flesh and and made...

Friends, In this Advent season, I’d like to share some excerpts from the Introduction of Paul Tripp’s advent devotional: Come, Let Us Adore Him. He writes: The story of Jesus “is a mind-boggling, hard-to-grasp, awesome story unlike any other story ever told. But what makes this story so...

The holiday season is full of joy for so many of us, but it’s full of sorrows for others. Maybe COVID is changing the way you thought this season would look, or maybe you’re battling sickness, depression, or the fear of so much uncertainty. Maybe...

“Sanctified hostility“… (righteous anger) requires courage. Christians are called to it; we don’t get to shrug our shoulders and turn a deaf ear just because something is too controversial or uncomfortable to say some thing about. Jesus set the example for for how to courageously...

Hey there, friends! Here we are at the end of November. 'Tis the season for Thanksgiving and grateful hearts. As I think upon the many, many things I'm thankful for I keep coming back to Jesus Christ. Every day I fail. And every day God is faithful....

Eugene Peterson has said that, “Come" is a gospel verb. The distinctive biblical and Christian message is not that God is but that he comes. And he’s going to come again. That’s God’s basic character— He comes. He arrives! And He comes first and foremost to...

There’s a horde of distractions calling to us, shouting, screaming, “Look over here! Read this! Watch this! Listen to this! Buy this!” Distractions will lead you in the wrong direction; they’ll put you in harms way, and endanger others. In this life there are only 2...