I have lots of favorite Bible verses, but one stands out first in my mind and heart from the story of Jesus and a sinful woman in Luke chapter 7. I’m choked up even writing these words, “Jesus said, ‘Therefore I tell you, her sins,...

In a world that excels at tearing people down, Christ’s followers…God’s children, are called to be people who excel at encouraging and building people up—especially in the family of God. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “So speak encouraging words to one another and build each other up.”...

I so dislike the term "singleness." When I hear it, it's made to sound like an illness or disease- something you want to get away from or healed of; something you only tolerate until you "break out" and become married. I think “singlehood” is a...

Such a daunting question. Jesus is teaching his disciples about persistent faith—the kind that’s constant, steady, and never gives up. And then he asks this question: “But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?” “Persistent,”...

Thousands of prayers… over 6 decades of them, and my faithful God has not ever turned a deaf ear to a single one. He has never failed me yet. He has yet to disappoint me. He has not taken back one of his promises. And...

Graduation brings a swell of emotions as parents launch their kids out into the world, and young grads wide-eyed with excitement anticipate the adventure ahead. It’s bittersweet- but as Dr. Seuss said, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Amid celebrations, gifts, tassels and...

Freedom is costly. It comes at a great price; fought for and bought at the risk of the lives of men and women of conviction– determined to win that freedom not merely for themselves, but for people they most likely would never know– like you...

This is one of my all time favorite messages, preached by Dr. John Piper 21 years ago to a group of young people at Passion’s OneDay conference in Memphis, TN— and it has never lost its power. I’ve read & listened to this message so...