The most powerful form of witness is a simple, personal story of what Jesus has done in your life. Take note that I didn’t say, “The most powerful witness is she who has attended the most Bible studies and knows the most about the Bible.” No, it’s...

It takes the devotion of a daily relationship with Jesus to become “more than a conqueror” (Romans 8:37). Daily choosing to walk with him in His Truth; to hang in there with him no matter what. Daily surrendering to his leadership and Lordship over your life. Daily...

When Jesus said, "Follow me" - he wasn't looking for a verbal response; he was looking for action. And he still is. "Yes, but…" is how most of us respond to Jesus. We’ve got more pressing, urgent issues to attend to “first.“ That’s fine. Jesus isn’t...

It takes patience to let God work it out…to battle the thing for you and through you, in His time and in is way. His affectionate and watchful care over you will bring you through as “more than a conqueror” (Romans 8:37). And the spoils of the battle...

It takes faith to believe in the faithfulness of God; to believe in the One who has made the promise to do what he says he will do. If you've been here for a while, you've heard me say this before: We will never trust whom we...

Whatever your circumstances, whatever your battle is today, God’s encouragement and promise to you is this: YOU are more than a conqueror! ❌ Not just a warrior. ❌ Not just a winner. ❌ Not just a survivor. “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him...

Are you offended right now? About anything? With anyone? How do we know if we’re offended? Well, like a lot of things, living offended produces offensive fruit: bitterness, resentment, mean-spiritedness, anger, insecurity, retaliation, coldness, a critical spirit, an inner seething that starts to percolate at...

"Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come!" Luke 17:1 NKJV Did you catch that? It’s impossible–as long as people live on planet Earth–for offenses not to come. And because you...

The Apostle Paul tells us we are God’s masterpieces, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works that he prepared beforehand so that we would do them. You may have heard this so many times before but stop and think about that. We are God's...