You're never too old to be used by God. You're never too out-of-touch or outdated to be effective and fruitful. You’re never “past the age” to be a spiritual fruit bearer. If you’re following the Lord, you have eternal value. So go on! Get about...

"God’s will" is not some spiritual label we slap on all the unhappy, painful circumstances in our life. God’s will isn’t something we just resign ourselves to— hanging our head like Eeyore, lamenting all his woe-is-me’s to Winnie-the-Pooh. Whether God wills something or allows it, it...

The world operates upside down and backward from the Faith Life. Followers of Christ are considered, in a word, fools. But while the world considers faith in Christ to be foolish, God says that the wisdom of the world is foolishness (1 corinthians 3:19), and...

We are not made to live isolated and alone, but we are made to have times of solitude. We are wired to be social and to be in relationship with others, but our greatest relational need is actually a spiritual one– with Jesus. Every relationship in...

So, how do we get comfortable being in the presence of God without saying a word? Here’s one method to practice: Set a timer for 5 minutes. (If this is your first time to try this, remember­– feeling awkward is totally ok.) Try to do...

If you want to see what God is like, watch Jesus. Jesus is the living Word of God. If you want to hear God speak, listen to the Bible. It is the written Word of God. The primary way that God speaks to us today is in...

What comes naturally to me— in my thinking, in my doing, and in my being— is that: I exist. I am keenly aware of myself. If I’m being honest, consumed most with myself: how I feel, how I think, how I look, what I will wear,...

There's nothing God won't forgive when you come to him, tell him, and ask for his forgiveness. Remember. Repent. Return. It’s what we’ve been studying (Revelation 2:4-5) in this Prayer series of the Life on Life podcast. First, Remember. Remember the way you were with Jesus in...

When I was single, my relationship with Jesus was mostly “religious.” It was very mechanical- not intimate or personal at all. So, I continued to drift until I had a personal crash and burn situation that really left me desperate for more. My heart was...