It’s here. We're one month into a brand new year that no doubt has us wondering, “What’s ahead in 2021?” and “How do I prepare for what’s coming?” I’m no prophet, but I can tell you, based on the authority of God’s Word it will...

Okey-dokey pokey's! It’s January 15th and I’m halfway through my free trial month. You too? So, I’ve decided to sign up for the full year (I don’t see that I have any other responsible option) which means I have exactly 16 days left to get...

It bears repeating: An idol is anything we focus on more than God. Anything we love more, think about more or give more attention to; anything we spend more time and money on, or give more credit or credence to than God. Let’s break down Exodus...

If the past months and weeks have rattled your cage and shaken your faith; If doubts have racked your brain and fears have mastered your thoughts; If hate and hurt have dealt your heart a crushing blow; If you’re wringing your hands with worry, shallow breathing because the...

It’s here. A brand new year that no doubt has wondering, “What’s ahead?” and “How do I prepare for what’s coming?” I’m no prophet, but I can tell you, based on the authority of God’s Word it will be a year with lots of unknowns,...

Only one woman in history has had the experience that Mary had. The blessed Word of God leaves enough room in her story to make me wonder what on earth that young, unmarried pregnant-with-God’s-Son girl must have been experiencing? The mental weight of what she...