One of the things that I love to do is to use God's word to dialogue with him. It's not the only way to pray, but it's one way that I think is really powerful and effective– because you're taking the very words of God...

If you've made the decision to receive Christ, you're always going to be in Christ. You can't lose that, but you can leave it and drift away. That's what I’m talking about in Episode 71 of the Life on Life podcast. Much like a man or...

Doing good work is a very good thing, but not when it becomes the main thing.  So how do we know when that happens? When we find ourselves doing good work for Jesus, but we’ve stopped walking with Jesus. We talk about Jesus. We teach about Jesus. We write...

The sheer foolishness of people never ceases to make me slap my forehead— probably because I lived so foolishly in my earlier years (and should have done a lot more forehead slapping back then). In the Bible, the book of Proverbs refers to foolishness as...

I am an absolute believer in the Word of God. As you may have heard me say a time or two (or ten!), “God’s Word works when you work it into your life.” The Word of God is living and active and powerful, operative, energizing,...

Sometimes, God will force a stillness on you. Stillness is critical to our relationship with God. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” The way to know God is to be still or "cease striving” as the term means. And we...