Have you noticed lately how people are starved for encouragement? Did you know, as Christ-followers, we’re called to give encouragement to others? Yep, that’s right! Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…encouraging one another—and...

In the beginning, everything started out as good. God created everything. And he said, it is good. It is right. It is perfect. Everything was in its proper place, in proper alignment and relation to God, just as he intended. And everything was excellent in...

We’ve made it to the end of the first month of the New Year and I hope you’ve set a nice, sane pace for yourself in entering 2023. I’m eager to hear from you on the One Verse you’ve selected to memorize and live out...

It’s a brand-new year! We’ve got brand-new journals, 2023 calendars and daily planners…and lots of us are selecting a new word to focus our life on in 2023—and that’s all well and good. Words are powerful—and there are no more powerful words than those contained in...

*Excerpt from the Life on Life podcast episode #85 "Tis the Season for Family Drama." Listen or watch this episode, and read Luke 6:27-26 and Romans 12:9-21 for more Biblical, practical help! Remember who you are and Whose you are We're called to live differently. You can do it!...

If I could pass along to you only one thing, only one critical piece of advice or guidance in your walk with the Lord it is this: jealously guard your relationship with Jesus. Why? Because it is your relationship—your intimacy with Jesus—that is constantly under attack. Not...

Hi friends! Below you'll find all the messages I've recorded, written, and taught about my journey through Breast Cancer. It's my prayer that if you are faced with this diagnosis, or know someone who is, you'll find encouragement within these messages to make the most of...

Do you have a personal story about how Jesus has changed your life? Maybe you’ve heard it called a “testimony” in some circles. A testimony, by definition, is just that–a personal story. It’s a public declaration (you don’t keep it to yourself) regarding a religious...