Every trial that comes into your life is ultimately a test of your faith. God absolutely wants you to pass that test and the other tests that will surely follow in the days, weeks and years of your precious life. James tells us that there...

As the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:29, the goal of the Christian life is to become like Christ. In a word, we're talking trans-form-a-tion. Being "formed" into something, or someone. And as it pertains to believers, it means being transformed into Christ. It's...

Last Wednesday night at the Women at the Well Bible Study our lesson focused on the title that James used to introduce himself: A bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. We looked at the marks or responses of a bondservant (see below)...

The Magnificent Obsession – Chapter Nine Pass Everything On “Who will pursue God because you do?  Who will make it the priority of their lives to know God as Abraham did, and make Him known to others, because you have?  Who will refuse to settle for anything...

The Magnificent Obsession – Chapter Eight Mourn Everything Hopefully "Without a doubt Sarah is the most important woman in the Old Testament… She expressed her pursuit of the magnificent obsession in a supporting role. I don’t think for a minute that Abraham would have become the man...

The Magnificent Obsession – Chapter Seven “Lay Everything Down "What is your most precious possession? Whatever it may be, to embrace the magnificent obsession, to know God as Abraham did, to be God’s friend, to receive all that He has for you, to experience the God-filled life,...

The Magnificent Obsession – Chapter Six Cast Everything Out “Have you ever failed…again? Have you ever done something you didn’t want to do, then asked yourself, Why did I do that? Have you guiltily suspected that there must be something uniquely wrong with you? I know I...

We tend to take for granted the things we have in great abundance. Do we not? On this day when we celebrate our many freedoms I'm especially grateful to live in a country where I have the freedom to worship my God without fear of threat...

The Magnificent Obsession – Chapter Five Lift Everything Up “Sometimes I feel that I have all the correct information, yet I'm not communicating with God. As a result, I have become more determined to learn how to really pray. I'm not interested in fancy rhetoric, or eloquent...

The Magnificent Obsession – Chapter Four Pursue Everything Patiently "Sometimes it can be very hard for us to wait on God to do things in His time and in His way. It doesn't occur to us that He has intentionally delayed answering our prayer or fulfilling His...